Makers 4 Refugees
Makers 4 Refugees is a simple project founded on a desire to make a difference through making.
Founded in 2016, as a fluid and global collective of Makers who want to make a difference.
2016 was a year in which the world witnessed more than its fair share of horror. The unimaginable happened. Again and again. In Syria, in Calais, in Greece - and many other places too. There were days where I felt powerless and ineffectual - and aware of my privilege. On those days making can seem like an insignificant activity. But it's what us Makers can do. Our collective ability is to make objects of use and beauty. This project is about giving our making extra meaning and purpose by raising funds to support some of the people currently living through such desperate times.
2017 was our inaugural fundraising year during which we were able to raise over £31,700. We'll be returning with further fundraising and will be delighted to share more with you - if you'd like that you can subscribe to receive our newsletter here.
Thank you for your interest in this project.
Pip x
The Story So Far
The community of Makers I've had the privilege of becoming a part of in recent years is an incredibly warm and supportive one. For our inaugural fundraising year I brought together 60 Makers from across 11 different countries and 3 continents. Each of them selected a week from the 2017 calendar. During 'their' week each Maker offered a piece or a collection of their work which was auctioned on Instagram - and the entire auction proceeds were donated to the charity Help Refugees. Updates about our progress were shared here on Instagram throughout 2017.
Why support the work of Help Refugees?
It can be difficult to know which charities are the most effective and worthy of support. Personally speaking, I can become paralysed into indecision by over-thinking this. This project is based on the premise that making some difference to some people is better than making no difference to anyone. So the charity has been chosen with the best of intentions and in good faith.
Help Refugees describe themselves as "the largest distributors of aid of any grassroots organisation across Europe, funding projects in 22 Refugee camps in Greece as well as camps and settlements in Paris, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon."
They were one of the benefactors of the Guardian and Observer Charity Appeal in 2016 which seemed a wonderful endorsement when I was selecting which charity we would support - and their achievements continue to be highly thought of.
Our Makers
These are the Makers who have so far offered their work for Makers 4 Refugees and they are listed in chronological order based on when they first auctioned their work:
Allison & Christian Sadler of The People Shop
Joanna known as Kikuhouse and Blue Bear Vending Co
Juliet Macleod of The Cloud Pottery